
Wednesday, March 01, 2006

What is the (Next) Message?: A Lesson in Corporate Culture: Microsoft Redesigns the iPod Box

What is the (Next) Message?: A Lesson in Corporate Culture: Microsoft Redesigns the iPod Box


As the "information revolution" progresses, I'm increasingly aware of the fundamental difference in philosophy between Microsoft and Apple, and how badly Microsoft seems to have missed the mark. It seems to me that Microsoft assumed a long time ago that users would continually become more and more sophisticated and simply adapt to increasinly bloated software. Apple seems to know that it's not about the software - it's about the effects of the software.

Yes, I've often cursed the lack of a power switch on my iMac, but in an increasingly complicated world, forget the features, I just want my tools to do what they're supposed to do.

JupiterResearch Conversations - Podcasts on the Internet and Emerging Consumer Technologies

JupiterResearch Conversations - Podcasts on the Internet and Emerging Consumer Technologies

Here's a bunch of interesting podcasts on Internet stuff, including a conversation on "Web 2.0".