Neil Postman
Neil Postman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Everyday, as I read articles and shake my head at the increasingly out-of-touch reporting that passes for news, I yearn for something that I can't put my finger on. I read about technologies that I know we don't need, knowing full well that they will be bestsellers. I know that the disasters that are happening in the world will not wake us up, they will only cause us to manufacture new excuses. I know that television will not clean itself up, and the news will not return to a more civil tone. Yet I still expect people to figure it all out, and demand better of their media. I expect people to reject the worldview thrust upon us by the powerful elite. I expect us all to realize that we're living in an increasingly unreal world. After all, Neil Postman was talking about this decades ago, as was McLuhan before him. So I scrub my brain with a few Postman quotes, and return to my blogs...